Case Study
Florida Association Of Healthy Start Coalitions
Any non-profit that relies on government funding to complete its mission needs to make its case in clear compelling terms. The Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions turned to Sachs Media Group to help the organization educate policymakers on the impact of Florida’s Healthy Start coalitions and the need to maintain sufficient budget and service levels for the years ahead. Our work began with a comprehensive analysis of data and messaging across 32 Florida Healthy Start coalitions, identifying high-impact messaging and producing rich digital imagery and video. We summarized our findings in an impact brief, which included curated messaging, testimonials, and factoids from the 32 coalitions, and identified the most impactful messaging that would educate key stakeholders on the program’s impact. Next, through our proprietary Digital Impact system, we placed that content in social media before Florida policymakers, as well as politicos, employees, and supporters. As a result of our efforts, Florida Healthy Start Coalition messaging reached more than 19,000 influential stakeholders, including more than 100 state policymakers. Healthy Start maintained funding levels and its coalitions continued to provide valuable prenatal and family health services across Florida.