Though Shift Happens, Some Things Will Never Change


Though Shift Happens, Some Things Will Never Change

In the 18 years since Ron Sachs Communications appeared on the scene, some things have changed irrevocably, and some things will never change.

Not only do we all have cell phones, we live on them, and even our middle schoolers have smart phones.

News is a 24/7 business.  It happens when it happens, and we have to be ready to respond.

It still pays to tell your own story whenever and wherever you can.

Connie is still laughing.

My 12-year-old creates memes for fun.

I receive 350 emails a day.  25 are important.

News coverage is harder to get, and still important.

Human beings still love a good story – and have ever since the caveman days.

From above a sandwich shop to inside a labor union building to what was once an office supply store.  Location matters but talent and passion matter more.

As Sachs suggests, it’s so much about Ron.  As Group denotes, it’s so much more.

It’s about finding the intersection between what I need you to know and what you want to hear and, better yet, what you feel compelled to share.