Healthy Pools: Promoting Safe Summer Swimming


Healthy Pools: Promoting Safe Summer Swimming

Water Quality & Health Council

Healthy Pools - Case Study contact us now to get started

Since 2011, Sachs Media has executed The Water Quality & Health Council’s Healthy Pools campaign, each year developing a new creative communications strategy to educate and inform Americans on how properly chlorinated swimming pools contribute to healthy summertime swimming.

Our 2018 campaign kicked off with an online survey asking American adults questions to gain insights into their swimming pool hygiene habits, and whether they check their local, public swimming pool inspection reports. Survey results and insights were woven into campaign messaging, talking points for radio and TV interviews, and the promotion of the swimming pool test kit giveaway.

In a single six-week media cycle, we educated millions of Americans about swimmer hygiene. Over 105 news outlets and 28 local/regional TV news broadcasts, as well as several leading foreign news outlets, covered the campaign, generating more than 1.1 billion impressions and more than 41,500 shares on social media. Over 15,200 people requested swimming pool test kits, a 117% increase over the previous year’s campaign and the most requests of any campaign to that point.

1.1 Billion

Impressions in television coverage


Shares on social media


Requests for swimming pool test kits