A Solar Success


A Solar Success

Energy Foundation

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The Sunshine State is home to a number of residents who use solar to power their homes and businesses. In 2020, solar users faced opposition at the state and federal levels, a challenge that could have potentially undermined a user-friendly process called solar net metering.

Solar net metering allows solar users to send excess energy back to the power grid in exchange for a credit toward their utility bill. This policy and other consumer-friendly measures are part of what makes the use of solar panels an appealing and economically viable practice for homeowners and business owners.

Sachs Media was engaged to oppose HB 741, shortsighted legislation that would have ended rooftop solar benefits, making it harder for families to use solar to lower their utility bills. The firm’s integrated campaign secured more than 1,200 stories and 10,000 comments directed toward policymakers opposing the legislation. Following these efforts, Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed the legislation, killing one of the most lobbied bills of this year’s legislative session and saving tens of thousands of rooftop solar users money at a time when inflation has skyrocketed.




Comments to policymakers


Vetoed by Governor